Jitesh Lalwani Apps

itGraffiti 2.0
Welcome to itGraffitiitGraffiti is an online directory that connects people throughsocial network at IT Companies. We have opened up itGraffiti forthe following companies:Infosys * L&T infotech * Cognizant.For more info, land to www.itGraffiti.com
Shop Stock Master 1.0
Shop Stock Master is basically an Inventorysystem using which you can add Item and its model Details Plus allthe transaction done on them(Purchased and Sold). The totalQuantity for each Item and Model remaining in the stock can beViewed. Also coming up in version 1.1, you can view all thetransaction details(i.e. Particular Model sold/purchased at whatprice,total number of Quantity etc). For any request or change inUI, just mail me.
Awesome Memory Game 1.0
This is Simple Memory Game
To Do List 1.0
It allows users to save the things thathewishes to do in near future. Click menu option to add orremoveitems. Items are stored in database.